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© Carrie Havranek and The Dharma Kitchen,  2013-2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any material without express and written permission from this site's author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Carrie Havranek and The Dharma Kitchen, with specific and appropriate direction and mention to the original content. Photos may be linked to Pinterest provided they link back to the original blog post. Photos may not otherwise be reproduced, reused or copied without expressed written consent of Carrie Havranek and The Dharma Kitchen. 



The Dharma Kitchen is a website that explores the intersection of yoga and food. I will often will mention or feature a company, product or brand on this website if I am particularly excited about it and want to share my findings. Sometimes these are things I find on my own; sometimes items are sent to me for free but I will always make that clear. Please know that if I am writing about something on this site, it's because I am genuinely moved to do so. My good vibes cannot be bought; that's bad karma.